One minute to hear what people says about how the Al-Anon program has helped change their lives.
A member speaks about his first meeting and why he keeps coming back.
A member recalls attending her first meeting, and what gave her hope.
A member talks about practical tools she used to keep her own serenity whether the alcoholic is drinking or not.
A member reveals how he grew up in an alcoholic home, how it affected his life and emotions, and how his Al-Anon program has given him freedom.
A sister remembers how her sibling’s drinking affected every decision she made.
One of the first things this person learned that she “didn’t Cause it, can’t Control it, and can’t Cure it.”
A woman talks about getting referred to Al-Anon but not going until her teenaged daughter in recovery made it clear that her mom needed help too.
A member talks about a family background of alcoholism and how she chose partners with drug and alcohol addictions.