Share-a-Day is Greater NY Al-Anon’s
Monthly Virtual Workshop

June 29 Theme—Surrender, Sanity, Serenity

12:00 pm Letting go of forcing solutions

1:00 pm Connecting to a spiritual solution

2:00 pm Experiencing contentment (and even happiness)

3:00 pm Letting understanding, love and peace grow in us

ZOOM Meeting ID: 897 1551 8773. Passcode: 069726

Dial by your location: +1929-205-6099 US (NewYork) + ID & passcode.

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We explore a different theme each month, with four back-to-back speaker meetings plus sharing.

Viewers attend from around New York, the country, and the world. Some drop in for an hour, others take an Al-Anon “mini-retreat.” All are welcome.