Share-a-Day: behind the scenes
In 2011, two Intergroup volunteers had an idea for a monthly workshop. That gathering of 40-50 New Yorkers is now an electronic meeting of over 1,000 people from all over the world. Each month we have 4 back-to-back speaker meetings with shares.
Here are just a few of the Share-a-Day volunteer jobs at the workshop—and if Saturdays don’t work, we prepare throughout the month so there’s always something to do. If you’ve ever attended a Share-a-Day and said “Thank you SO much for making this happen,” we hope you’ll join us.
Reads the Shareaday script for the hour assigned and follows instructions within the script, which includes the need to mute/unmute and lower hands, choosing people in an order at their discretion. Please follow the script.
Provides time warnings for main speakers and regular shares. A reminder that zoom takes a second after you unmute before you can be heard, so it’s best practice to wait a second after you unmute yourself to give your verbal time reminder. When timing the lead share, the speaker’s preferred time warnings will be in the script, so please follow along in the script.
Reads their assigned reading. Please make sure you have your own copy of the reading, as it won’t be screen shared on the day. The reader will need to raise their digital hand when prompted, and unmute themselves when the host asks them to unmute.
Copies and pastes text to the chat as described in the script. Things highlighted in blue are for the chat. Just follow the script and copy and paste them into the chat at the appropriate time.
For security, we ask that you simply keep an eye on videos and profile pictures to make sure there aren’t zoom bombers. Similarly, since we don’t have a waiting room, some people’s names may be worrisome for some reason. Usually this is accidental, but try to engage the person by sending them a chat to establish that they’re here for Al-Anon and offer to rename them to something more reasonable. As a last resort, for a legitimate zoom bomber, we simply remove them from the meeting.
Usually a steering committee member. Your role is to take over any of the positions listed above if someone has an emergency or loses connectivity and can’t continue their service. Your main role is to have the script open and follow along for the hour you do service, so you can step in to do any service when needed. You must be able to do mute / unmute on Zoom, lower raised hands once fellows share on Zoom, and be willing to chair the meeting, if needed. Please have the screen share graphics downloaded and ready to share, in case the person doing that service has technical problem