About Intergroup
Greater NY Al-Anon Family Intergroup, Inc., is a service arm that serves Al-Anon groups in the five boroughs of New York City. Our mission is to provide the friends and families of alcoholics in New York City with vital links to recovery. Intergroup serves this community by:
Being an online and phone resource for information about Al-Anon.
Maintaining an up-to-date listing of all Al-Anon & Alateen meetings in New York City.
Selling Al-Anon & Alateen literature.
Facilitating dialogue and public outreach.
Fostering a sense of community among meetings throughout the five boroughs of New York City.
Always within the spiritual guidelines of our Traditions & Concepts
An IR is an Al-Anon member elected by an Al-Anon meeting (an Al-Anon Family Group or AFG) to represent the meeting’s interest four times a year at Intergroup Representative meetings. IRs advise Intergroup’s Board of what their meetings would like Intergroup to do for them. This is how Intergroup learns about individual members’ concerns.
Welcome. If you’re a new Intergroup Rep, please fill out this intake form so we can add your name to our IR list. You’ll get meeting reminders and information.
Put the quarterly IR Meeting dates into your calendar and attend the quarterly meetings.
Share “Al-Anon Related Announcements” (updated weekly in the Events section of this site) at your group’s 7th Tradition break.
Make one or two announcements at 7th Tradition; make a more complete report at the business meeting.
Approved minutes are posted on this page, below. If you need details from draft minutes from the most recent IR meeting SEND US A MESSAGE
IRs meet quarterly, on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8pm.
Zoom ID 944 6505 4017
Passcode. 196448
The 2024 meeting dates are
January 30 CLICK TO JOIN
October 29 CLICK TO JOIN
An IR is an Al-Anon member elected by an Al-Anon meeting (Al-Anon Family Group [AFG] ) to represent the meeting’s interest four times a year at Greater NY Al-Anon Family Intergroup Representative meetings. IRs serve for a suggested term of three years.
A GR is an Al-Anon member who represents their meeting at (local) Al-Anon World Service District meetings and (regional) Area Assemblies.
The Al-Anon service structure begins with our meetings, called Al-Anon Family Groups (AFGs). These groups are organized into Districts, which gather as an Area. All the Areas belong to the World Service Organization (WSO).
Greater NYC Al-Anon Family Intergroup is an AIS (Al-Anon Information Service) which serves Al-Anon groups in the five boroughs of New York City by maintaining an accurate meeting list, answering a Helpline, providing information to individuals and groups in NYC, and distributing literature.
1) Communication via Intergroup
Local meetings elect an IR who attends quarterly meetings of Intergroup. Intergroup’s liaison officer attends the Area Assembly and shares the views of the groups they serve. The Area Delegate then transmits information at the World Service Conference..
2) Communication via local District
Local meetings also elect a GR who attends District meetings and the regular area Assembly. The Area Delegate then transmits information at the World Service Conference.
In keeping with Al-Anon's 7th tradition, Intergroup depends solely upon the support of Al-Anon members to realize its mission.
A new archive for recordings from Intergroup workshops and town halls.